Okay guys, another post!! #so?
Now, I wanna tell you about the game I got earlier on this month. Although I know many of you knew about it already.
Ib is horror game made by Kouri in RPGMaker. It was translated recently though, and it was like…a big hit! I click zerochan.net one day and I found one tag labeled Ib (game). You know the rest, so I was like, clicked it by curiosity and, voila!
I fell in love with Garry in first sight….
And without further ado, I searched it on google and found the game. And so, I downloaded it and played it. I finished the game in a week (calculating the time, I can actually finished it in a day), and yeah…it was worth it.
So, in the game, we played as Ib (or Zerochan source called her Eve), a nine-years old girl who went to a gallery with her parent, and after inspecting a big painting, the whole gallery was suddenly changed into somewhat dark, parallel dimension where she can find no one. Later on the game, you will also meet the only male around (oops, I forgot Ib’ father >_<), a purplette young male in tattered coat named Garry, and a blonde little girl named Mary.
Your only objection is to solve every puzzle, and make your way out the nightmare gallery safely. Your life here is counted as the rose petal. Yeah, you brought a rose, and because the rose is your life, do your best to keep it safe.
And don’t expect the nightmare gallery (I
called it that way) to be free of harm. Very much like other horror game, a
strange creature such as headless statue, mannequin head and the infamous
frame-popping women roamed around the vicinity. They can hurt you to death and
you can’t! ( Man, talk about sucks…)
There are 7 endings, and only one good ending I guess. The 2 including the alive Garry and the rest…oh well, he was like, bye bye and goes to heaven, I hope.
I’m not gonna talk about the playthrough,
it’s already plenty out there, so I’m gonna point the endings instead!
Ib all alone ending had 3 variation. One when you escape the gallery (after burning Mary’ painting) alone, follow Garry back into the gallery (which I find freaky because he was…dead by that time), or (when Garry did survive) you chose not to follow Garry leaping through the painting and go with your mother instead. And when you decided not to leap through the painting, the light goes on and off, and the screen goes black.
The forgotten Painting ending is an ending where you leave Garry to death (hell no…) and he became one of the painting in the gallery. You go upstairs, seeing Mary play Loves Me Loves Me Not using Garry’ blue rose (what the hell did you do, you bitch!!) and she’ll leave the room. Go back downstair, inspect Garry, whereupon you’ll see him ‘sleeping’, then take his lighter. Use the lighter to burn the thorns blocking the door upside. When you enter deeper, Mary will come and became angry, thus lift her palette knife to kill Ib. Whatever you do, just run until you reach the painting and burn it down ,and Mary will be burned and reduced to ashes (take that!). After that, feel free to follow the path ahead and made your way to the big, damned painting. You have to choose leap through and you’ll be taken back to the original gallery, and you don’t remember a single thing. When wondering the gallery, you’ll notice a frame with a picture of sleeping violet-haired man on it (you who he is…) and Ib felt somewhat nostalgic thing (hell yeah, too late for that) before her mom picked her up and leave the gallery. Okay, I kinda hate this ending…
But the worst ending would be the ‘Together Forever’ ending when Garry died and Mary took your parent! It’s practically the same as before, except that you don’t burn her painting, which mean you don’t have to bother going back to Garry and take his lighter. After you leap through the big painting and returned to the real world, you’ll find Mary with Ib’ parent, and the hell?! Ib’ mother was like, ‘Let’s go to your mom, Ib!!’…. What the hell? You’re Ib’ mother for god sake!! And then I realized that Mary took Ib’ position and make Ib’ parent hers. You’re one damned bitch, Mary…
And this is the first ending I got, because
I failed Garry in the doll room, and I was too lazy reloaded it. My bad.
The Memories Crannies (I don’t know if I spelled it right) is the ending when both Ib and Garry survived, but after they returned to the gallery, they have don’t remember anything. They act as if they never meet each other before. (So the whole thing was in vain, sigh…)
The best ending, The Promise Reunion, was
the last ending I got (save the best for the last). It was kinda tricky to
find, hell I wouldn’t know that you have to talk to Garry for over than 10
times to ensure this ending. I was like, fangirling like an idiot over this
ending. It’s practically the same as above except that Garry find Ib’ hankie
with his blood on it, thus make him remember and if we dare to choose ‘I don’t
remember’, Ib will find the lemon candy that Garry gave to her in the safe
room. It’s all happy ending where they promise to meet again somewhere,
sometime. And this ending gives me a crazy idea of making fanfiction.
Overall this is a good game and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Good job with the creepy music, I even used the main theme as my cell’ ringtone! And I was like GOD THERE’S THE CRAZY FRAME-POPPING WOMAN CHASING ME---! when the first time I saw them, nice job scaring the hell outta me ‘Lady in Red’…
Mind me for being a short-hearted person, I never really played horror game except the Fatal Frame series (and currently on hiatus after finishing the Crimson Butterfly and The Tormented one).
Here are some beautiful Ib fanart that i found! The credit goes to the creator of course^^
![]() |
Trade your place with me, Ib! X3 |
The conclusion is if I screamed like crazy when I saw the Lady in Red, then what will I do if I saw the Slasher from Dead Space popping out of nowhere…?
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